Monday, February 22, 2010

4th'day of y observation in calantipayan School

February 05,2010 , the 4th' day of my observation in DON Gregorio Elementary School ' LOPEZ , QUEZON. I was afraid on one of the student , WHY? Because he got a pain in he played the role playing . He take some error so that HE get something that HE dont want to get ....................................... ATER THAT HE turned over for his sacrifies to do his want so because of that he failed to won that game mean's HE lost this game........ DO you want to know his child ? so Hi's name is alex....... SO ITUTULOY SOMEDAY THANK YOU POH!

Monday, February 1, 2010


NICE FOR magaling that's true nice very well she act as a teacher !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she do her job I LIKE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

calantipaan observaion

january 22, 2010 it is a friday last day of class in a week I"ll meet some task that our coordinating TEACHER given to me " SO because of this I'LL GIVE MY BEST ; my task is HOW TO APPROACH THE CHILDREN OR THE PUPIL'S IN TERM'S OF THE ORAL READING so sfter uor coordinating TEACHER discuss to ME I proceed to do my task .................. it is a ORAL READING so I orient my student as a individual .... I start my task at exactly 8:00 o'clock in the morning until 12:00 o'clock ater this my job I feel I'm so tired but I know it is the part of my training so at beside of that IM happy because I'LL do my task as a being GOOD and aside 0f this my COORDINATING TEACHER SAID AFTER THAT MY TASK WILL SUCCESS THAT SHE'S PROUD TO ME AND SHE SAID THAT I'M EXCELENT that'S according to my coordinating TEACHER AHA!!!!!